medhA-6 : Unicode Sanskrit Keyboard Layout

Version 6 of medhA keyboard for Unicode Sanskrit is ready.
It is similar to old version, medhA-3. So, it also follows phonetics. In that way you don’t need to remember most key. They come to you naturally. Previous guides posted at my website and that of svAmI nIlakaNTha will help you.
A few changes :
Alt Gr allows you to type full stop(.), comma(,), Rupee Sign(₹), exclamation(!), etc. and some vaidika signs.
Details are in pictures.
So, from now you don’t need to switch keyboard to English for comma, full stop, etc.Installation package is available here : medha-6.exe.(new link)
A detailed change log may be posted later.

medhA-6 in normal condition (without pressing any additional key)
medhA-6 with Shift key pressed
medhA-6 with AltGr(Right Alt) key pressed
medhA-6 with Shif+Ctrl keys pressed

Scheme for medhA-3

Here I present two pictures explaining scheme used to make medhA – 3 keyboard layout. The first one is for normal-state and the other one is for shift-state(when keyboard is used with shift key pressed).

medhA-3 normal
This is medhA – 3 in normal-state.

medhA-3 shift
This is medhA – 3 in shift-state.

Providing this picture is helpful for those who want to develop their own keyboard-layout and for those who want to use my keyboard-layout efficiently, both.
For both groups, I will suggest to go through my previous related posts and this can be done by clicking the “Sanskrit Keybord” menu tab above.
Although pictures presented here are not big enough to make everything clear, there is nothing to worry. Why? Because you will be able to see bigger view by clicking them from my “Public Picasa Web Album”.
Another thing I will like to make clear is that although this keyboard is bearing name Sanskrit Keybord, it is not only for Sanskrit. You will be able to write any language which uses Devanagari script. So, it means you can write Hindi, Marathi, Bhojpuri, Nepali, etc. directly with it. So, it is actually Devanagari-keyboard-layout and not Sanskrit-keyboard-layout.
Then, why am I presenting it with that name? Because I developed it to make me able to write Sanskrit language in Devanagari script. 🙂

“medhA” – keyboard layout for sanskrit

medhA keyboard-layout is a small program which maps Devanagari letters to your conventional keyboard to make you able to write Sanskrit, Hindi, etc. in Devanagari script.