gomatIdAsaH – 10

anyApadeshadvAsaptati (अन्यापदेशद्वासप्ततिः) belongs to a class of poems which, by way of appreciating or condemning natural qualities of particular objects, praises a man for his virtue or condemns another for his vice, by implication. The poem came to be written due to an incident at the royal court. The king had in his hand an ivory balance and asked rAmasvAmI (रामस्वामी) to describe it and the latter gave out the following stanza with facile grace :

उच्चैः प्रापयसे पदं लघुतरानर्थानधस्ताद्गुरून्
जिह्वां लोलतमां बिभर्षि कुटिला विस्रंसिनस्ते गुणाः  ।
अप्येवं धट तारतम्यकलनाचातुर्यधौरेयता
त्वय्याधीयत येन सर्वविदसौ धातैव किं ब्रूमहे ॥
The purport of the stanza is this : The balance has a wavering needle and loose chains; it lifts up the empty things and brings down the weightier ones. Nevertheless, the all-knowing ruler has made it the supreme authority in assessing the comparative value of all objects in the world. This was an implied criticism of the unbalanced patronage of the king. The king was however pleased with the poet and asked him to compose a poem on the model of anyApadeshashataka (अन्यापदेशशतकम्) of nIlakaNTha-dIxita (नीलकण्ठदीक्षितः).
kIrtivilAsa (कीर्त्तिवलासः) is a champu-kAvya (चम्पूकाव्यम्) in florid style with a wealth og imagery, on the greatness of Ailyam tirunAl (आइल्यं तिरुनाल्). It describes the capital city, the royal court and the prominent scholars that adorned the sadas (सदस्). Available mss. of the work break off with the first ullAsa (प्रथमोल्लासः).
tulAbhAraprabandha (तुलाभारप्रबन्धः) portrays the tulApuruShadAna (तुलापुरुषदानम्) ceremony celebrated by vishAkham tirunAl (विशाखं तिरुनाल्). The ceremony consists in weighing oneself in a balance with gold which would later be distributed to deserving persons. There are in this work one hundred and odd stanzas in different meters, some of them with verbal devices and insertion of draviDian words (द्रविडपदानि) without affecting the meaning.
gauNasamAgama (गौणसमागमः) is a small work painting the pageant in the capital with the colors of imagination, when Lord Napier, Governor of Madras, visited the State in 1863.

यतिरहं श्रीमतो भगवतः शङ्कराचार्यस्य भगवत्पादाभिधां बिभ्रतः सम्प्रदायानुगतो वेदतदनुकूलसकलशास्त्रनिचये श्रद्धावान् गुरुणाऽनुल्लङ्घनीयशासनेन विदितवेदवेदान्तशैवाद्यागमतन्त्रादिरसरहस्येनाऽनुगृहीतो निश्चितवेदप्रामाण्यस्तादृशविद्वत्त्वलोभी येन जीवन्मुक्त्यादिक्रमेण विदेहकैवल्याप्तिरुपदिष्टा मात्रा श्रीमत्या स्नेहपरयोमया हैमवत्या श्रुत्या॥

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